Biete eine Runde über Roll20 an (online). Gespielt wird “Alice is missing”. Charaktere und Setting erstellen wir über Roll20. Dann kommunizieren wir via WhatsApp in der entsprechenden Rolle für etwa 90 Minuten und versuchen gemeinsam heruauszufinden, was mit Alice passiert ist. Nach der emotional berührenden Geschichte dann noch eine halbe Stunde Debriefing. Sobald wir 5 Leute sind, legen wir los. Geplant ist ein Freitag ab 20:00 Uhr (bis etwa 00.00 Uhr)
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[TD]Hier die offizielle Beschreibung:
An immersive RPG played entirely via text message.
Alice is Missing is a silent role-playing game about the disappearance of Alice Briarwood, a high school junior in the small town of Silent Falls.
The game is played live and without verbal communication. Players inhabit their character for the entirety of the 90-minute play session, and instead of speaking, send text messages back and forth to the other characters in a group chat, as well as individually, as though they aren’t in the same place together.
Hauntingly beautiful, deeply personal, and highly innovative, Alice is Missing puts a strong focus on the emotional engagement between players, immersing them in a tense, dramatic mystery that unfolds organically through the text messages they send to one another.