Brand new player looking for casual English speaking DnD group

I’ve always been interested in playing DnD, but my friends never had similar interests unfortunately. Now I’ve started playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and it ignited my desire to play “real life” DnD again. I live in Germany, but my main language is English. I’m a father with a full time job, but we can definitely make it a weekly thing to meet up on discord or some other way.

As I’ve never done this before, I’m hoping for perhaps some other beginners or some people with some experience to guide me/us through. Please let me know. Looking forward to this new adventure!

I would like to put my hat in the race too.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hi @Noflik

In case you didn’t know already, the coloured hilighted prefixes become searchfilters when you klick on them. Also write in threads of others, often makes the search easier for everyone.
Alternatively you can also look into the One-Shot-Section.

I wish succes with your search and have fun playing.

cul8r, Screw

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hey Screw,

Yeah I had noticed the filters, but there is not a filter to search for the spielsprache. So I can not search for English speaking games. Perhaps something to be added in the future?

People will know that as soon as they see the headline of your request. No worries. :wink:

True, but it’s about the possibility to SEARCH exclusively for english groups.

@MoGo Problem is, you have to have a thread with a “english” prefix to click on it. As that still would be rare, there would still be some search involved. But i guess i’ll do it anyway - we’ll see what comes out of it.

1 „Gefällt mir“

@Screw yeah, that’s exactly what I meant! Thanks! I know this is a German forum and I ended up here because I do live in Germany. I speak a bit of German, but for roleplaying, English would still be better. Or I guess I could roleplay as someone with a slight language barrier! :smiley:

Thanks for the help anyway!

1 „Gefällt mir“


Like you, I always wanted to get into DnD, ever since I’ve heard of the game. Due to a friend, I’ve been sort of introduced to LoL and WoW, which didn’t interest me a lot.

But recently, I’ve been playing a lot of Baldur’s Gate 3, and absolutely love it. Since it’s supposed to be very similar to DnD, I believe , I’ve at least learned the basics. But I’m still just a newbie.

I love that you’re wanting to play in English rather than German, because that’s also my preferred language, especially for a game like DnD. I also live in Germany, though.

If this is not a too late response, I’d love to join your adventure of DnD :slight_smile:

Let me know.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hey Lena,
I’m still trying to get a group together, and still looking for a good DM to lead us all, so you are very very welcome to join. It might take a while to set it all up, but the more the merrier!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Cool! Yea, these things take time. But it’ll be worth it in the end. I would have another one who’d be interested, but he’s not a DM haha
Just, if you need more players as well, I bet he’d also like to join.

That is fantastic. I also have a friend who would like to join, so if @Googlelord is still in, that would mean we would have 5 players. I’d say that’s a pretty decent group. I’ll see if I can find a DM to lead us then!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Awesome! I’m excited ?
Wishing you luck on finding a good DM

Yeah I’m still in

Hello! I am interested.

I’m a native English speaker (American) living in Fladungen – northern Bavaria, near Bad Neustadt. I have played a LOT of D&D (and other systems). I’m an experienced DM, if that’s what you are looking for, though I am also comfortable playing.

I like FTF best, but since I live in a pretty isolated area (look at a map, there’s not much near Fladungen) I am happy to play or DM in a live online game. If you think we can assemble another 2 or 3 players besides you (Noflik) and me, then let’s do this!

Hey Doug,
That sounds great! I just googled Fladungen and it’s more than 1,5 hours away from me. No idea about the others. But yeah, we should have a group of 5 people ready to go. Most of them pretty new. Since you are the most experienced and the DM, please let me know what some good new steps would be. Get a discord server going? Do we need roll20 or foundryvtt?

Hi Noflik,

I’m the most experienced DM – but most of my experience has been with face to face games! I’ve only run a couple of sessions online, and that was as a substitute DM. So we may have to discover the details of online play together.

I think starting a Discord server makes sense, but first let’s make sure we have 5 people committed. I see you, me, googlelord, and Lena. Anyone else?

Also, I’m thinking once or twice a week in the evenings – online sessions can be shorter than FTF. But let’s discuss once we have a group!