Welcome to the world of Xhandria, where magic and wonder abound! As a member of the Pack of Feathers, you will take on the responsibility of protecting your family and defending the realm of Salaark from all threats. Together with your fellow newborns and close relatives, you will embark on a dangerous mission to infiltrate Sens, the former jewel of the desert. The city’s inhabitants are suffering under the corruption of a few, and Salaark has its sights set on it as its next target. Your mission is to plan the subjugation of those who would oppress your people.
But the campaign is not just about Sens and its history. The Blutwüste is vast and full of wonders, including a recent meteorite strike that many believe is a bad omen. The inhabitants of Xhandria believe that all magical phenomena were created by Gaia herself as a gift to all intelligent beings. The world gives you the mana you need to discover the secrets of magic. All caster classes draw their magic from the world itself, rather than from deities, demons, or bloodlines. The classes are merely ways to control and wield this magic.
The adventure includes several homebrew rules, including a unique human race with two subraces.
I put a lot of effort and time into this campaign, and I will always make time for you, your questions, and everything you need. The world of Isica has been evolving for over 2 years, and I am constantly updating and expanding it.
If you want to join the Pack of Feathers, I expect you to put in the effort and take good notes during and outside of sessions. I encourage team play and a detailed and interesting backstory. Please be punctual and have a camera, a good microphone, and a reliable internet connection and PC.
Our weekly sessions will take place on Tuesdays from 19:00-23:30. The group size is limited to 3-4 players.
Are you ready to defend your family and realm from harm? Join the Pack of Feathers today!
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