Looking for a CoC/Delta Green group in and around Düsseldorf

Good evening everyone!
My name is Biagio and I moved to Düsseldorf some years ago. I’m currently playing and have played DnD but i would like to find/meet new people to try other systems like Call of Cthuhlu and Delta Green.
I speak german but i haven’t tried to role play with it yet so i would prefer an english speaking group :smiley:

Danke für eure Aufmerksamskeit :slight_smile:

Hi @Veck

In case you didn’t know already, the coloured hilighted prefixes become searchfilters when you klick on them. Also write in threads of others, often makes the search easier for everyone.
Alternatively you can also look into the One-Shot-Section.

I wish succes with your search and have fun playing.

cul8r, Screw

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