Hey everyone, our English speaking Star Trek Adventures group is looking for new players!
STA is an easy system to get into, with a focus in cooperation and creative solutions in the Star Trek universe. You don’t need to know the system, you can pretty much learn about it by playing it. Like some of us still do.^^
We’re a long running international group from 3 continents. Not everyone is a native english speaker, and its no issue if your English is a bit spotty as long as we can follow your thoughts.
Our GM is a proper ST nerd, building elaborate and interesting plots for the 25th century. But you don’t have to be super into ST, lust liking the genre in general (like myself) is perfectly fine.
Our playstyle is mostly story focused, giving everyone their spotlight. Our overall gaming atmosphere is a mix of social, considerate and attentive. We all like playing but we don’t mind some casual banter as well.
Currently we’re looking for a scientist and maybe a security officer to complete our group. That said, you’re not stuck in that role. It just a starting point.
You’d be posted on Bastion Station, a frontier base of the federation with its very own difficulties and challenges.
We are an explicit LGBTQIA friendly group, please be sure to be positive about that. Please also be at least 18+.
We use Discord for voice and Roll 20 for maps, character sheets etc.
We play every Sunday at 20:00 [german time] for about 3,5 hours.
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