Suche Englisch-sprachingen Spieler-in in Nürnberg

Hello Friendly People,
First, I’m sorry for posting in English.
We are a group of DnD 5e players (from different countries: Mexico, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Azerbaijan, New Zealand) playing every week (we try to play on Fridays) in Nürnberg. We are about to start a lvl 1-5 campaign this Friday; it will be the latest release from Wizards of the Coast: Waterdeep Dragon Heist. Some of us are newcomers to D&D 5e, and some are veterans.

Due to scheduling problems, some members of our group can’t play this campaign, so we are looking for 1 or 2 players (who are ok with English gaming). Most of us speak/understand German (to various degrees) but the main language at the gaming table is English.

We have a Discord server to discuss everything related to our games, so if you are interested in joining the group, or if you have questions, feel free to visit the server: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

We are friendly and we welcome new players and beginners :slight_smile:
Thank you, and see you soon

2 „Gefällt mir“

Sounds really cool! Hope you find the players you are looking for!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you very much :slight_smile:
We had one positive answer, so we will see tomorrow evening.

I can imagine the title of you first campaign: “The Quest for the Fallen Frisbee”
Boy … i’d like to participate in that … too bad i live in vienna.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hahaha, the lamest demons of the Abyss fumbling around with a competitive frisbee league

And the in-game rules-discussions of how it is unfair to play with a frisbee sized for medium humanoids. Discrimination of other-planar competitors … :rofl:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Maybe Demons have tiny hands (like Trump)…

Ooh … politics … we don’t do politics here … bad mojo :wink:

1 „Gefällt mir“